
Step into a realm of exploration and wonder at our preschool centre nestled in the heart of the East. Purposefully crafted as a nurturing haven for young minds, KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse @ Mountbatten seamlessly merges the great outdoors with educational experiences, enveloping children in a tapestry reminiscent of a bustling garden oasis. Within our walls, education transcends traditional confines, fostering a profound bond with the natural world.

Our thoughtfully designed learning environments are meticulously curated to captivate both the intellect and the senses, ensuring a holistic learning experience. From an expansive outdoor Explorer Playland and a Tricycle Trail to a flourishing Nature Harvest, sustainability is interwoven into the very fabric of our curriculum. Children actively participate in the journey from farm to plate, cultivating a genuine reverence for nature and the origins of sustenance.

Within our open-air Melody Enclave, little ones are encouraged to unleash their creativity through musical expression, enveloped by the serene symphony of the outdoors. A sensory-rich trail enhances perceptual acumen, while the cozy confines of our Reading Nest provide a sanctuary for literary exploration. Elevating learning to a tactile level, our Mud Kitchen beckons children to partake in activities that ignite creativity and foster experiential understanding.

Beyond mere academic advancement, our centre is committed to sowing the seeds for a lifelong thirst for knowledge and environmental stewardship. Join us in cultivating an inviting sanctuary where children not only learn but also forge a profound kinship with the world that surrounds them.


717 Mountbatten Road, Singapore 437737


Infant Care (2 to 17 months)
Early Years (18 months to 3 years)
Preschool Years (4 to 6 years)


Infant Care Full Day: $2,400
Infant Care Half Day: $2,000
Early Preschool Years Full Day: $2,000
Early Preschool Years Half Day: $1,800
*Fees exclude GST

Principal/ Centre Manager

Ms Kiren Kaur

Principal/ Centre Manager

Not Available


Monday - Friday:   7:00 am-7:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday:   Closed

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